Thursday, March 5, 2015

Friday March 6, 2015 Romans 8:28

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28 NIV)
The road to heaven is not easy. If we focus on how hard it is it can be very discouraging but if we try hard to remember this verse and choose to focus on God's awesome power the road to heaven or difficulties in life seem easier. It's sort of like God saying yes this is hard but I got you... just hang in there and soon you will see the great promise that  in God all things are possible.  As people say: focus on the positive and not the negative. This is our way of helping God do his work through us. --Pauline Corti
Prayer for today:  Gracious God, we love You and give thanks that You can and do use all things for our good. Help us Lord to have patience and strength when life sends us difficult or challenging or even achingly painful circumstances to wait expectantly for your grace. Open our eyes to the ways the trials of our lives are redeemed by Your mercy. We ask this in Jesus' name. AMEN!

Confession for today: I confess that my God is for me no matter what I may be going through. God sees me through every difficult circumstance and is using them for my good even when I may not understand how that can possibly be. I have confident hope in God's redemption of everything I undergo. I declare this by faith in Jesus, the one who endured death on the cross and took on my sin to save me. AMEN!

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Oh Miss Pauline this is one of my all time favorites as well. Again, a verse that brings such comfort. I come back to it time and again. God wastes nothing, not a single thing. Each tear we cry, each hardship we endure, he will use His glory and to benefit His people. That is a promise from His word so we know we can rely on it. So no matter how difficult or painful the circumstance we can have hope.AMEN!