The world has always been filled with things that shout for attention. Bright shiny things that catch our eye and lure us in almost without our knowing. In this age of computers and smart phones and ceaseless connectivity through social media, it is more true than perhaps at any other time in history. Scripture tells us that just as we have a God who can and will work all things for our good (Romans 8:28) we also have an enemy who can and will seek our harm (Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8 NLT). The enemy will use anything to distract us from our pursuit of God. This passage reminds us that the antidote for this is God's word, which will give us life as we fill our hearts and minds with it. We need His word to give life to our souls as surely as we need food to give life to our bodies. Do we spend as much time reading our Bible as we spend on Facebook or Pinterest or TV or fiction? If not, perhaps we need to make this prayer from the psalmist our own.
Prayer for today: O Lord, I love You and do so want to follow Your ways. Yet at the same time so many things in the world around me distract and lure me off course. Help me Lord! Speak to me through Your word and fill me with a desire for your word that burns brighter than the shiny things of this world which are truly worthless. I ask this in Jesus powerful name. AMEN!
Confession for today: I confess that as I fill myself with Gods word, the lure of worthless, worldly things that distract me from God's purpose for me will fade and lose their power over me. I declare this by faith in Jesus. AMEN!