This then is how you should pray: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And do not lead us into temptation, But deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. (Matthew 6:9-15)
FORGIVE! The Lord could not be much clearer on what is expected of us. For me personally, Matthew 6:14-15 are some of the most convicting and downright scary verses in the whole Bible. WOW...if I don't forgive others God will not forgive me? If you believe in the truth of the Bible as God's word, and I do, there is no getting around this mandate. FORGIVE! I confess before you all: I have issues with forgiveness. It takes a lot to get me to that place of needing to forgive (thank goodness!) but once I do it does not come easy for me. In fact, of my own power I would say impossible. Then I think on these verses and know what is necessary and fully understand that for me, it is only possible through the power of the Holy Spirit in me. But even then it is a long hard work. I do know though, that if I do the work God is faithful and will lead me (perhaps kicking and screaming) where I need to go. In fact it happened just this morning for me once again when the Lord led me to these verses during my study time: And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony stubborn heart and give you a tender responsive heart. And I will put my Spirit in you so that you will follow my decrees and be careful to obey my regulations. (Ezekiel 36:26-27).
Thank You Jesus for Your amazing example of forgiveness! Help me when I stubbornly refuse to forgive such smaller things, to remember Your way and the mandate of these verses. AMEN!
Friends I have a challenge for everyone today. Let's take these beloved words of the Lord's prayer and put them in our own words and post them in the comments. I did that exercise once in a workshop and it was so meaningful to stop and actually think about the words we say so often they can become rote and mindless. It breathed new life into them for me.--Tracy Moore
Now that I’ve given you a glimpse of how not to have a conversation with Me, let me share with you a better way. Model your conversation in relationship, just talking with Me as you are, like this: Our Father (I am not just your Father, but Father of all who believe in my Son) who sits not here on earth, but above all, in order to see all, You are holy and completely “other than". Make this world function under Your Lordship – bring heaven here on earth where we live out our daily lives. Those things that you stand for – the good, the just, the holy and pure, the upright and true – let those things be our reality here and now in this world. Provide for our daily needs – both spiritually and physically, and forgive us for our sins, and help us forgive others for sinning against us (help us remember that the two are linked; there is no forgiveness from You unless we extend forgiveness to others who have wronged us). Let us not be led into circumstances that cause us to stumble, but give us the strength to resist the enemy and all his devices and schemes. It is this battle over evil that you have won, and this earth is yours, all power is yours, and all glory is yours. So let it be.
For your forgiveness from Me is intertwined with your forgiveness of others; as you forgive, I will forgive; if you do not forgive, neither will I forgive. This truth is set in the foundation of eternity to set your heart free, and ensure that you do not become ensnared by bitterness.
My Heavenly Father,
Make your Name Holy in me and in my life whatever season I am at,
Your Kingdom of forgivenss, peace, hope, strength, perseverance, love come in me and my life,
Your will of forgivenss of sin be done in me and those around me, that they may believe in you and see you that you are God and that you are alive, and let them see you in me as I obey and forgive through Your Holy Spirit,
Please grant me strength and courage and wisdom of the knowledge of your Word in your mercy and grace so that I may follow your will,
And forgive my sin and resentment toward those who have wronged me in every way and hurt my heart, and especially when I do not want to forgive and want to hold on to resentment because of the false accusations, lies or rumors or words, or jealousy and hatred toward me because of who I am in you,
I lay all the burdens, emotional scars down at your feet and beg you to please forgive them through me, because I don't want to in my flesh, but my spirit yield to your mercy and grace for I am a sinner,
And they do not know what they do,
Please forgive me for the weakness in my flesh and give me strength to forgive, and let me experience the freedom of forgivenss in me daily,
And remind me who I am,
That I belong to you,
Let me remember my First Love daily, even now,
For I am created for your Kingdom,
And I live for you,
Through the power of the Holy Spirit,
Only for your Glory,
For the Glory belongs to You.
The hymns ring in my heart,
"...There is power, power,
Wonder working power,
In the precious blood of the Lamb!"
"What can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus,
What can make whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus,
O, precious is the flow,
That makes me white as snow,
No other fount I know,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus!"
He forgave me first. He made peace with me first. So I am called to do the same.
Forgivenss belongs to God, and I have the privilege to partake in His forgiveness and that I as His child have the authority to forgive by the power of the Holy Spirit is amazing!
So the only thing I have to do is to obey, and pray, Forgive them, Lord, out of gratitude and for the love of what He has done for me. And let His love shine through me. And I beg Him for that.
Galatians 5:22-26 NASB
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.
If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.
Let us not become boastful, challenging one another, envying one another.
Kathy Carpentier
Father God, You are so holy and marvelous and greatly to be praised! Lord, usher in Your kingdom here on earth.Teach us to live so that Your perfect way becomes our way, that life on earth and life in Your presence in heaven would be no different. Provide for our needs each day and teach us to trust that you will do so. Teach us to forgive those who sin against us that we will be so cleansed as to be open to being forgiven by You for our own sins.Lord protect us and deliver us from the enemy of our souls who tries to tempt us with that which appeals to our earthly flesh and leads us away from You and into death. Father we know all we have and all we ever will have is a gracious gift from You and for this we give thanks and praise and glory to Your mighty name. AMEN
Let us focus on the part about temptation, in particular the way Tracy spoke of "that which appeals to our earthly flesh and leads us away from You and into death." We all have a unique tendency towards the flesh. How can we better focus on life, with all its challenges and overwhelming emotions? Life is what we have been called to infuse into our flesh. Lord, forgive us for our lackadaisical attitudes.
Sometimes, while silently praying the Lord's Prayer, I find that I have drifted a bit and am praying by rote, not praying the words. Here is a trick I learned to use: I sing the words (to myself, not out loud! that would call unnecessary attention to myself, in a really conspicuous way) Praying the words in an unusual cadence gives me a different focus. Had to google to find out that the classic version is by Malotte. I guess there are dozens of more recent song versions out there, but the swelling tones, even just in my head, deepen the experience for me..
Father and maker of us all, reigning over us from heaven, reveal to us your glory and majesty. As glorious as heaven is, make the earth to become as we come to know Your will and work for it here. Lord provide for us today just enough for this day that we may learn to depend on You everyday. Forgive our sins and keep us mindful of that grace that we would never let a spirit of offense take root in our souls to embitter us and seperate us from You. Give us Your grace that we could forgive others as You have forgiven us and continue to do so each day. Teach us that by turning to You and by the power of Christ within we can avoid earthly temptations that might open a door for satan to enter our lives. Everything that exists, ourselves included, belongs to You O God. Help us to realize Your wonder and Power as we give You all glory both here and now and with You forever in eternity. Through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. AMEN!
one scripture study we did enhanced prayer of the Lords Prayer for me. When we pray 'give us this day our daily bread' we remember God's chosen people, being led to the promised land and depending on God alone for mannah from heaven.
Help me Lord today to depend only on You and not on my own plans, or plans of others.
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